Call to Prayer for Our Nation

2 Chronicles 32:7-8

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.

Hezekiah, the King of Judah, was faced with probably the biggest army ever seen in the land until this time.  Physically speaking, Hezekiah did not have a chance.  Nevertheless, Hezekiah was not downcast, as his faith was not in himself, his own abilities, or even in his own army.  Hezekiah looked to Almighty God for deliverance as he confessed to his people that God is mightier than the entire army of the Assyrians.

Hezekiah’s faith was fully justified by God’s response when God miraculously delivered them from their enemy.  The manner in which God delivered them also speaks volumes to us.  In 2 Kings 19:35, it tells us that 185,000 warriors were killed by the force God sent against them.  You would think that must have been a huge force, but you would be wrong.  God sent only one angel who single-handedly destroyed the entire Syrian army.  This is the God whom we worship.

Today we are facing an unprecedented array of powers.  There have been many totalitarian regimes down through history, but never before has there been a worldwide totalitarian regime controlling all the levers of power.  The power we have allowed those who rule us to accumulate is frightening and would be extremely worrying were it not that we also have the strong arm of God on our side.

The powers arrayed against us have been blinded by Satan into thinking they can win the war.  Satan already knows the war is lost and that he is condemned, but he is determined to take as many as he can with him to hell.  Those fighting against God have already lost, but just do not know it yet.

We have an enormous battle on our hands that can only be won by the same method as Hezekiah adopted.  The weapon we need to succeed against this formidable foe is prayer.  When we pray to almighty God and ask him to fight the battle for us and put our total trust in him, then we, like Hezekiah can say “Greater is the power with us than against us”.

No power can ever prevail against God, so we need God on our side.  There are thousands of us in this movement.  Imagine if every one of us got on our knees and sought God’s help.  Imagine thousands of prayer warriors on our knees before Almighty God, handing this battle over to him.  Let us all get onto our knees and ask for God’s help, in the knowledge that he has already promised to grant us whatever we request.

Then let us rejoice when seeing the great powers of this world collapse and fall into the dust when God sends only one angel to confound them all.  The powers of this world think they control every major means of communication, but they have forgotten or overlooked the greatest of all, the power of prayer to a God who is able and willing to come to the rescue of his people.

We are faced with one of the biggest threats ever faced by mankind.  Let us collectively, set aside five minutes, starting at 10:00 am on the 31st of October to seek God’s face.  Please remember the words of God himself in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land

Our land needs to be healed, and our sins need to be forgiven.  If we only humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways, then God has promised us he will heal our land.  Let us make it happen.

Turn to God in prayer and repentance on behalf of our nation on the 31st of October at 10:00 am.  It doesn’t matter what time zone you are in, God is listening 24/7.  Just get on your knees at 10:00 am and seek God’s face to save our nation.  I don’t care if you have never prayed before.  Just talk to God like you talk to any other person, he is listening.  I don’t care if you are not a Christian, God is still listening for your prayer.

If we turn to God and humble ourselves before him, you will see a mighty change sweep this land.  So please, set aside 5 minutes at 10:00 am on Sunday 31st October, get down on your knees before the living God and ask for his help.

Finally, share this with every awake person you know, whether they are a Christian or not.  Everyone needs to pray.

Let my people go that they may worship me

Exodus Ch. 9 v13-17

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Get up early in the morning, confront Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me, or this time I will send the full force of my plagues against you and against your officials and your people, so you may know that there is no one like me in all the earth. For by now I could have stretched out my hand and struck you and your people with a plague that would have wiped you off the earth. But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. You still set yourself against my people and will not let them go.

We have always thought of ourselves as living in a free country here in the UK, but are we really free? When we stop and look back over history, we see a steady chipping away of our freedoms, and it has been so gradual that we really haven’t noticed it. There has always been some reason or excuse for removing our freedoms, and we have consented to it.

Stop and just consider the things in your life for which you must ask for the government’s permission. Starting when you are born, your parents must register you within 42 days. You will probably be required to register for several things in school, but the big one comes when leaving school. You need the government’s permission to get a job and work. They are insistent on this for one reason only, so that they can confiscate a percentage of your wages. Not only that, but the person you are working for also needs permission to employ you and also has to pay dearly for it.

The next step in your life is to travel. If you want to leave the country, you need permission, and even if you’re going to move around in the country, you may need permission. You need permission to drive a vehicle of any type apart from a bicycle. Move on in life, and you meet a life partner. You need the government’s permission to get married, buy a house, buy a car. Then when you have kids, you are also compelled to register them into the system.

If you wish to run your own business, you need permission to start up, employ people, and a growing list of other things. There is an increasing list of things we need permission to do that were not required one hundred years ago. There is a slow chipping away of our freedoms. If that weren’t enough, you are compelled to pay excessive amounts for the privilege of gaining these permissions.

If we count the amount your employer pays to hire you, then up to 61% of your income is deducted from your pay by the government, which leaves the average man with only around 50% of the amount it costs his employer to employ him. From the remaining 50% of your pay, you have to pay 20% tax on everything you buy. So you are left with only around 40% of your earnings before you even start to calculate the thousands of different types of taxes demanded from us. Council tax is a big one, perhaps taking away another 10% of your income, then there is a tax on alcohol, tobacco, fuel, car tax, property purchase, taxed on earning, taxed on saving, taxed on spending, taxed even when you die.

Should we, as Christians, really conform to everything the government tells us and say nothing? Many Christians will quote 1 Peter 2:13-15 where it says “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.”

This passage shows how Jesus went meekly to the cross, not opening his mouth and encourages us to emulate him. However, this is not the whole story. The same Jesus who went to the cross quietly also told the Pharisees they were a generation of vipers. On another occasion, he told them they were like whitewashed tombs. There were many places where Jesus spoke out against and denounced the Pharisees if you study his life.

Neither did it end at speaking out. He made a cord into a whip and drove the moneychangers out of the temple, upturning their tables in the process. Meek and quiet Jesus was certainly not always meek and quiet, and neither should we be.

Examine when Jesus spoke out and when he remained silent, and you will find that if it only affected himself, he remained silent, but when it affected others, he got angry. So perhaps we should take this as our guideline. If something is only going to affect or disadvantage us, then suck it up. If, however, it will affect others, especially the vulnerable in society, then it is our obligation and duty to speak out on their behalf.

The vast majority of people just do not see what is going on in the world at the moment. Most people, including Christians, just do not see the great deception taking place regarding the Covid-19 “pandemic”. Most people do not research things themselves but simply believe what the government and mainstream media tell them.

The population is utterly blind to the fact that there have been no more deaths in the last couple of years than in previous years. They are entirely oblivious that the average age of death for Covid fatalities is 83 years old, older than the average death rate through other causes. They are altogether ambivalent to the proposal to inject every kid with an experimental gene therapy that is killing thousands of people, even though Covid-19 is virtually no risk to them.

The recovery rate for Covid-19 patients is 99.97%, and yet a “vaccination” is being forced down our throats, with many being fired from their jobs for not taking it. In Australia, troops are firing rubber bullets into peaceful protestors. In France, those choosing not to take the vaccine are not even allowed to go into a shopping mall. In New South Wales, a government official said people had a free choice to take the vaccine or not but stressed he would make life very difficult for them.

In Lithuania, one woman could not take the vaccine since she was pregnant. She and her husband were sacked from their jobs and cannot enter any shop bigger than 100m2, which is very restrictive. In the USA, the President has announced that any company with more than 100 employees may only employ fully vaccinated people. The pandemic is so severe that they can afford to sack thousands of doctors and nurses, who having seen the real picture, have declared they will not take the “vaccine”.

In all this, the majority of Christians are not speaking out. Indeed, in most cases, they are supporting these draconian measures that enslave the world’s populations. Leaders in the world are attacking the people and especially those who are vulnerable. Jesus would have spoken out against this, and so will I. The current policies of governments worldwide are designed and planned to make slaves out of us all. The measures have nothing at all to do with health. That is simply a smokescreen.

I want to say to the leaders of our world. “This is what the Lord, God of Heaven, says to you. Let my people go so that they may worship me, or I will send the full force of my wrath against you and your officials, so that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth”.

Christian leaders of our Churches do not think you will escape wrath if you fail to speak out against the murder of the elderly or the sterilisation of the young. You are being warned that this is taking place, and the evidence is available for all to see if you only go and look for it outside the government and mainstream media propaganda. Ignorance will be no excuse since you are supposed to be discerning through the Holy Spirit. The lack of discernment only further demonstrates the absence of the Holy Spirit in your Churches.

God’s wrath and judgement will fall soon on those who have been part of this major attack on those whom God loves. If you have been part of this, then you should be trembling in your shoes. Hebrews 10:30-31 says, “For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

Am I Alone

1 Kings Ch. 19 v 9-18

And the word of the Lord came to him: "What are you doing here, Elijah?"
He replied, "I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too."
The Lord said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by."
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.
After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.
Then a voice said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?"
He replied, "I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too."
The Lord said to him, "Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram.
Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet.
Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu.
Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him."

The passage above covers a very dark time in the nation of Israel.  In the previous chapter, Elijah had won a significant victory over the prophets of Baal, but now he had fled for his life from an evil ruler.  Twice in the passage above, he tells God that he is alone and the only one who serves the true God.

Right now, it feels like that in the UK.  Everyone around us is worshipping the NHS, the government and the vaccine, and many of us, like Elijah, feel that we stand alone.  Everyone we talk to is against us and thinks we are crazy.  It is indeed dark times in the UK, but also in the world, in general.

If you are reading this, then perhaps you are one whom God has revealed what is really going on in the world and the articles I write in this blog make absolute sense to you.  However, around you, you still feel alone and isolated.  Elijah had stood unbending on Mount Carmel, faced down the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and had shown clearly that Baal was no god at all.

Despite the victory and the clear and indisputable proof that the God of Israel was the God of power, the proponents of Baal still refused to accept the inevitable.  For Jezebel, it was nothing to do with proof and all to do with an indwelling evil.  Nothing that Elijah could tell her or show her would ever change her mind.  Does that sound familiar?

Today, those pursuing the agenda of isolation and vaccination know that it does not work.  They know that it is pure evil and it is the very same worship of Baal shown in this passage.  Baal demanded child sacrifice, and those requiring that all children are vaccinated are satisfying this demand.

In our culture, we used to sacrifice for our children.  Our forefathers went to war and sacrificed their lives so that we could live in freedom.  Parents will go without, giving the very best to their children.  However, the current reincarnation of Baal is demanding that the children be sacrificed to protect Granny and Granpa.

The Baal of today is demanding that we inject our children with an untested gene therapy, even though hundreds of thousands worldwide have already died after taking this lethal injection.  The high priests of Baal are not interested in the facts, and taking the vaccine has become a religious ritual that must be performed by all on pain of death.

So zealous are they that any who oppose their plan must be excluded and eliminated.  Slowly, they are controlling the narrative and attempting to demonise all unvaccinated with a determination to turn the population against them, making it easier to eliminate and sideline them.

The madness is equally as furious as that of Jezebel, who was determined to kill Elijah or die trying.  Like Elijah, many of us feel that the evil rulers over us are hell-bent on destroying us.  We are standing in their way of total victory and must be eliminated in any way possible.

Our hearts melt in fear when our eyes are opened, and we examine the evil Baal worshippers’ power structure.  We see them bind our people so they cannot work, get paid, live everyday life, and sometimes not even buy food.  The future looks black indeed, and we feel we are all alone.

With all the noise around us, we need to listen for the still small whisper.  God is not in the noise, but he speaks in a small, still voice, directly to our hearts.  He sends the same message to us that he sent to Elijah.  He tells us to get up and continue with the Lord’s work and that we are not alone.

Elijah thought that he was the only servant of God left in the land, but God revealed to him that there are yet seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal.  Elijah is given explicit instructions to go and anoint those who will continue the fight, even beyond his time on earth.

Do you feel that you are alone today?  Is your heart melting in the face of the evil power arrayed against you?  Know this; you are not alone.  God has his remnant today, just as he did in the days of Elijah.  God is speaking to his people and instructing them to get up and continue the fight.  God is telling us that we are on the winning side.

It is a lonely place in which we are placed, but we need to reach out to like-minded Christians while also anointing those outside the faith.  Many non-Christians view the Church with disdain, and in many cases, it is fully justified. However, we now have the opportunity to show them a fully awake Church, not only to the world’s agenda but also to God’s plan.

We live in dire times, but it is a time when we need God more than ever.  We must realise that this fight is not against man but evil spiritual powers that seek to destroy every good thing God has created.  We will not succeed against this evil in our own strength but only in the strength that comes from the all-powerful God who created us.

What should we, as Christians, do?

Firstly, we need to get on our knees in prayer.  Without God’s help, we are lost, so we need to plead with God for his help, not only for ourselves but also for our nation.

Secondly, we need to reach out to each other for support and encouragement.  Even those who lead and appear strong feel lonely and get discouraged.  To know that you are not alone is a great encouragement.  Please use the ‘Contact Us’ link at the top of the page to reach out and encourage me, as I also feel isolated.

Thirdly, reach out to non-Christians who are awake and explain the spiritual dimension of this battle. Then, offer to lead them to the only one who can give us genuine encouragement and guaranteed success.

You are not alone!  I stand with you.  God has revealed the truth to you for a purpose. So get up and walk into that purpose.  You are part of the remnant God is preparing.  You may be an Elijah or a Daniel. Stand firm in your faith.  Do not waiver.  You are on the winning side.

Test the Spirits

1 John 4 v 1-6

1Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognise the Spirit of God: every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognise the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

Right now, there is a huge battle going on.  Some people in the world are urging us to get a vaccine for Covid-19 and telling us that this is our only hope.  Others are telling us not to take it as it is not really a vaccine, but experimental gene therapy.

How do we know who to listen to?  How do we know who is telling the truth?  When you listen to them, both sides seem sincere and plausible.  Fortunately for us as Christians, the Bible guides us to truth and who to listen to.

We are instructed to test the spirits to see whether they are from God.  If we have been walking with God for some time, we will have got acquainted with his character and his attributes.  Thus, we should be able to discern whether a spirit is from God or not.

If we look at the current debate over taking a vaccine, what are the opposing parties saying to us?  I don’t just mean what words are they speaking, as that is rarely the full picture.  I mean, what is the full message they are sending us?  This includes the words they speak and the manner in which they say them.

If we look at the full message that we are getting from those who would advise us to get the vaccine, the full thrust of it is fear.  If we do not get the vaccine, then something bad is going to happen to us or to a loved one.  The entire narrative preys on our fears and is designed to keep us constantly in fear.

This tells you where the message comes from.  At the top of every page on this website, you will see our strapline, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”.  This is the character of God, so the message filled with fear cannot possibly come from God.

However, many Churches and pastors are urging their congregation to take the shot so that they can get back together safely to worship.  Have these pastors considered the character of God and where this message comes from?  Do these pastors not believe that God can protect them?

Psalm 91 says that God will protect us from deadly pestilence.  Do these pastors really believe that God is no longer able to protect us from a disease that only kills 0.03% of the population?  Have these pastors fallen so far under the spell of the evil one that they can no longer distinguish God’s voice?

Let’s look at the other side of the coin.  There are moderating voices telling you that you do not need the vaccine, indeed, that the vaccine may be harmful to you.  The message is that the body God has given you has a wonderful built-in immune system that has protected you for many years already and will continue to do so.

These voices, unlike the other side, acknowledge God and give glory to God for the wonderful work he has done in creating us.  Furthermore, they point out that this vaccine is not a real vaccine, but a gene altering mRNA injection which will change our bodies from the design which God spoke in the garden of Eden

So, we have two voices competing for our attention.  One which is majoring in fear or one which gives God the glory for the work he has done in making us and refuses any experimental drug which aims to change that design.

Which of the two should we choose, as Christians?  The passage we read is very clear, we must test the spirits and determine whether they are from God.  The voice which delivers a constant dialogue of fear cannot come from God, so why would we, as Christians, listen to that voice?

The Elect are being deceived

The elect are being deceived!

Matthew 24:24

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Jesus told us that in the end times, some would attempt to deceive the elect, the people of God.  If you are a born-again Christian, then this includes you.  Satan has his people who are intent on deceiving you, if possible.  If it were not possible, then Jesus would never have mentioned it, but it is possible, and that is why he has given us this warning.

For this reason, having been warned by Jesus, we must be cautious and always test out what we are told, regardless of where we hear it.  Even if we are told something from the pulpit of a Church, we must go home and examine what we have been advised and see if it complies with God’s word.

Over the past two thousand years, we can see examples throughout history and have noted how easily the Church can be deceived and led astray.  So far, as far as I can determine, this has always been restricted to a national or regional area or a particular branch of the Church.

In 2021, we see this deception reaching its biggest target audience ever, and an attempt is being made to deceive the entire world, and the Church is being deceived along with the broader population. Unfortunately, it would appear that very few in the Church are even interested in researching the facts for themselves and are happy to accept at face value what the government and mainstream media tell them.

In Germany, almost one hundred years ago, the population, including the Church, believed the lies of a madman, which ended in the death of millions of people throughout the world.  We did defeat this evil in the end, but it lasted much longer than it should have, simply because good people did nothing.

In our world today, we are faced with a greater evil, which is worldwide, not restricted to one country.  It is also of a much greater magnitude.  The Nazis killed 6 million Jews in death camps, but the people carrying out the deception today are on record as saying they want to reduce the world population by 7 billion. Unfortunately, the entire world, including the Church, does not take this statement seriously and allow this evil plot to continue with their long-established plan.

If there were even the slightest chance that what I say is true, then does it not obligate you to look into it further.  If you are warned that a much greater evil than the Nazis is being played out in our day, does it not put the onus on you to check this information out and see for yourself whether I am telling the truth or I am a complete raving lunatic.

My experience so far is that most Christians will not even examine the evidence available.  Even my own Church has side-lined me as not suitable to be involved in the work of the Church.  Unfortunately, they seem to have made this decision without examining the facts or checking out what I have said.

The knowledge that my Church relies on, is what they hear on mainstream media or from the government. I want to tell you that what you hear on mainstream media and from the government is entirely false and is propaganda at the highest level.  I have also been on this journey.  I went along with the narrative initially, even going as far as having my first jab, even though I was sceptical.

By the time it came to have my second jab, I was deeply uncomfortable as I examined the facts from many different sources.  The more and more I looked into the claims of the lunatics, the more they made sense.  The more they made sense, the more my eyes were opened. Finally, I discovered that there were thousands of professional people out there, deliberately silenced by mainstream media and government, and the message they told overwhelmingly convinced me that the lunatics were right this time.

I could tell you facts all day, but you need to discover the truth for yourself, and you need to follow that same journey I took to become awake to what is going on in the world. So instead of telling you facts, I would like to tell you what will happen next.  This is not prophecy, but it is merely telling you information that is freely available already and in the plan of those destroying our world.

  1. The main aim of this plan is to roll out a ‘vaccine’ that will begin to depopulate the world. This will be done in two ways.  Firstly, the ‘vaccine’ will compromise the natural immunity of the population, and many will die from many different illnesses and diseases they would otherwise have survived.  Secondly, the ‘vaccine’ will interfere with women’s reproduction organs, and many will become sterilised.
  2. Those refusing to accept the ‘vaccine’ will continue to be demonised and cast as the people who are causing the illness, just the same as the Jews were cast as the problem in Germany one hundred years ago. The next step will be to deny rights to the unvaccinated and withdrawing benefits in stages.  The first will be to deny them health care, as the unvaccinated are deemed ill by their own choice.  Next will be a refusal to pay out benefits and pensions to the unvaccinated, and eventually, they will be denied food and water, starving them into submission.
  3. The unvaccinated will then be rounded up and taken to internment camps ‘for their own benefit’ and to protect the vaccinated, who are dying in their thousands, due to the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated will be seen as a massive danger to the general population. By this time, the general population are so entirely under the propagandists’ influence that they will go along with it.  Any who do not will simply be rounded up also.  Sadly, the unvaccinated will die of Covid in the camps.
  4. Having weeded out the uncooperative, the world is now left with a completely compliant population, and the time of possible opposition is entirely past. The evil regime running the world will now have complete belief that they are invincible and will then drop any pretence and rule by fear. Thus, we will now have a situation worldwide that is far worse than Nazi Germany, last century, and the world will enter into its darkest period ever.

These things will happen in steps, over time, and may be slightly different to what I have outlined.  The result will be complete domination and control, and this virus is only part of the plan to help the evil cabal implement their strategies.

Why do I tell you this?  Do I tell you this so that you can go home, sit down and wring your hands?

No, I tell you this because you are children of God, and you have the power of almighty God at your disposal.  I tell you this because it is no longer the time for Christians to sit in their ivory palaces and ride easily in life.  I tell you this because it is time for you to strap on your armour and fight.

Satan knows that his time is near, and he is having one last enormous push to bring as many down to hell with him as he can.  This is all part of God’s plan.  He is still on the throne and in command of what goes on in the world, but that does not mean that we sit back and do not get involved.

Christians should be discerning and not led astray by any wind of doctrine.  Christians should seek out the truth and embrace it.  Christians should speak out against evil wherever they see it.  In the face of evil, to remain silent is to be complicit in it, just as the Church in Germany were complicit with Hitler one hundred years ago when the Nazis began to rear their head.  By the time Germany moved into the 1930s, it was already too late to speak out.

We all know how evil Satan is.  We all know that there is no evil too far for him to contemplate.  We all know that there have been evil men like Hitler down through history, and they have not gone away.  This, however, is the first time in history where technology has allowed them to completely dominate the globe, the worldwide media and the economy.  Virtually every government in the world is beholden to the evil conspiracy and has no option but to do their bidding.

Ask yourself some basic questions:

  1. Is Satan evil enough to do what I have told you?
  2. With modern technology, is it possible?
  3. Do a few people control the entire world economy?
  4. Does money influence governments of the world?

If you answer the above questions honestly, you will come to the same answer as me, it is all entirely possible, and we know Satan will do this if he can. So next, look for the chinks in the armour, the things that went wrong.

  1. The evil plot did not plan Brexit
  2. They did not want the Trump presidency in 2016

These two events threatened to derail their plan, so they had to take steps to ensure this would never happen again.  They firstly planned and rigged the 2020 election in the USA so that Trump would not continue as president.  They knew they could never carry out their plan with him in power.  Next, they decided to take their program to the next level and completely control events before the American people got another opportunity to vote again in 2024.

Covid was the plan or the opportunity they needed.  I am not sure if it was all planned or they took advantage of the seasonal flu, but the result is the same.  They ramped up fear and completely captivated the people with their propaganda.  Now, this is the most significant signal to you, as Christians, that something is wrong.

The Bible tells us that we will know them by their fruit.  If the major component of what is happening in the world today is fear, where do you think that is coming from?  As Christians, fear never comes from God.  If you are living in fear, then that can only come from the depths of hell, and we should have no part of it.

The Bible tells us, ‘God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind’.  Brothers and sisters, you need to reject now that spirit of fear that comes from Satan and embrace God’s power, love, and sound mind.  While you continue to live under a cloud of fear, you invite Satan into your life and your Church.  There can be no fruit in your Christian life while you choose to live under the spirit of fear.  If you choose to live under the spirit of fear as a Church, then the Holy Spirit cannot be amongst you. If you continue to live under the spirit of fear, you are denying God and denying his word.  You are in opposition to the Holy Spirit.

Children of the living God, awake, arise and oppose this spirit of fear in your midst.  Cast out the evil one who has, so easily, beguiled you and taken you captive.  The first step you need to take is to get rid of that face muzzle and refuse to wear it anywhere.  Demand to breathe God’s fresh air.

The Watchman

The Watchman

Ezekiel Chapter 33

The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, speak to your people and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head. Since they heard the sound of the trumpet but did not heed the warning, their blood will be on their own head. If they had heeded the warning, they would have saved themselves. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.’

Picture a fortress city a few thousand years ago.  In the centre, there is a castle, and there is a high tower with a 360o vision in the centre of the castle.  Nothing blocks the view from this tall tower as it is crucial to the security and defence of the entire city.

There is one man high up in that tower, and he is not a king, a general, a captain or any other significant person.  He is simply an ordinary member of the guard, chosen because he has good eyesight. But, even though he is not important in rank, he is crucial to the defence of the city. He spends day after day up there.  It stretches into weeks, months and years.

The most excitement he has is sending a notification that a few riders or traders are approaching the city.  Most of the time, it is a tedious job.  However, he knows that it is essential, keeps a good watch, and knows every inch of the countryside intimately.

One day, he sees something a long, long way away.  It’s little more than a shadow, but there is something different around that area many miles away.  He continues to watch it and becomes more concerned as he watches.  Eventually, there is no doubt that a vast host is proceeding towards the city, and he blows the trumpet, which is always by his side.

In the city, everyone hears the trumpet.  They don’t know precisely what it means, but they know it is a warning and must prepare for trouble.  The people of the city, at this point, have a duty to prepare for battle and must simply await further instructions.  The leaders, however, have a different responsibility.  The leaders need to ascertain why the warning was given, where the threat comes from, and what steps they need to take.

The leaders firstly rush to the tower and ask why the watchman has blown the trumpet.  The watchman explains why he blew the trumpet, and the leaders look off into the distance.  The leaders do not have the watchman’s eyes, nor have they intimate knowledge of the countryside.  The leaders, in short, can see nothing.

The watchman directs them to a smudge far in the distance and describes what he sees.  This is a very crucial time.  If we examine history, we will find that there are generally two responses at times like these.

  1. Berate the watchman for disturbing them when there is plainly nothing to see and lose crucial time organising defences.
  2. Further study that which the watchman has described and search for your own vision and understanding. It may take a while to arrive at the same conclusion as the watchmen, but then the leader has a rock-solid understanding of the situation and can better organise his forces.



Today, I am blowing that trumpet!


Politicians have long been liars and untrustworthy, so much that we now expect it.  We have all got very fed up hearing about global warming, especially since, in Scotland, we still seem to get the same old freezing cold, wet and windy weather we have always had.  There is a general feeling that all this talk of global warming is talked up for some reason unknown to us but probably linked to someone making money from it somewhere.

However, the constant fearmongering on global warming was temporary forgotten in March 2020 to make way for the greater fear of a new deadly disease that we were told could kill up to half a million British subjects.  What was surprising with Covid-19 was the fact that every government in the world, almost without exception, were singing from the same hymnsheet, something that has never happened in the thousands of years of recorded history.

Everybody began to panic in March 2020 and I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for this as it was a time in which facts may have been difficult to come by.  Governments around the world, though, seem to have come to a conscious decision to actively create fear in the population, so that they would be able to introduce very controversial and draconian policies.

The public, in general, accepted that it was reasonable to close down the entire country for three weeks to ‘flatten the curve and protect the NHS’.  The problem is that the three weeks are still ongoing eighteen months later and has been in force under various guises over this period.  The government were quick off their mark and set up Nightingale hospitals and ordering thousands of ventilators.

On our TVs, we saw and were told, that thousands of people were dying, and were ill, due to Covid-19, but when some people began to question the narrative, an alternative picture began to appear.  For those investigating, a picture began to emerge of a ramping up of fear similar to that of global warming, and anyone trying to question the narrative or present an alternative explanation was starting to be brutally and systematically suppressed in the same way as China had dealt with its protestors or the Nazis dealt with opposition in the 1930s.  Anyone speaking out against the government policy, or even questioning it, quickly lost their job.  Any doctors or nurses who dissented, not only lost their job but were deregistered, meaning they could not get another job anywhere else.

Those who started to investigate began to find astonishing information which not only showed that the governments had been lying, but that this entire scenario had been in the planning for at least ten years and governments and the media were all a part of it with the explicit aim of:

  1. To generate profits for big pharma companies
  2. To produce a status of obedience from the population
  3. To drastically reduce the population of the world from 7.8B to 1/2B

Over the past 25 years, deaths in Scotland have had an average death rate of 10.93 per thousand of population. However, in 2020, the year we are told is the deadliest virus to hit us in 100 years, the death rate climbed to 11.72 per thousand.  It is higher than the average, for sure, but by any stretch of the imagination, it cannot be classed as a pandemic, and there are two other years within this 25 year period where death rates have been higher.

The highest month for deaths was April 2020 and on investigation, it has been found that this was the month when the Government sent ill patients in hospitals to nursing homes where they were murdered.  I make no apology for using the term murder, as that is exactly what it was.  Many patients in nursing homes were subjected to an overdose of medicines and effectively put on a path to assisted dying.

The entire Covid-19 narrative is built around the existence of huge numbers of positive tests, but having investigated the PCR testing, it is a proven fact that the PCR tests are very unreliable and are returning up to 97% false positives.  People being admitted to hospital for any reason whatsoever, are being classed as covid patients and put on entirely unnecessary and even dangerous treatments.  Indeed, many patients have died unnecessarily by being treated wrongly.  We really have got to the position now that we should be afraid to go into a hospital.

Someone who is knocked down by a bus, goes into hospital, is given a PCR test, tests positive and on the death certificate is classed as dying with Covid.  This is where the huge manipulation of figures takes place.  Everyone who dies within 28 days of a positive test is classed as a covid statistic.  The vast majority of people who die, end up in hospital, are given a faulty test, so in the end, everybody dies with covid.  That is not the same as dying from covid.

While all this has been happening, governments began to conduct psy-ops on the population.  Governments around the world, who have always claimed they do not have enough funds, have suddenly, not only managed to find the money to pay people for staying at home but have also managed to fund massive advertising campaigns (propaganda).  They are continually bombarding people with mixed messages, creating a culture of fear throughout the country.  This is a classic method of destabilising people and compelling obedience.

Masks have been a huge message and the government has even managed to infiltrate them into people’s minds so much that they police others and continually harass those who do not wear a mask.  It is a proven fact that cloth or paper masks are totally useless, but the government want to continue the use of them as it keeps the populace under their control, in subjugation.  The use of masks actually harm wearers and this has been documented in a number of reports.  Mask retain germs and CO2 which are breathed out and can cause breathing problems.

Lockdown is another area where governments have exercised control over the population and denied the people the right to get fresh air.  It has always been mandated that prisoners must get outside to exercise each day, as this is essential for their wellbeing.  However, governments had no problem removing that right from millions of people throughout the country.  This policy has increased medical and social problems and led to quite a few deaths.

The NHS has virtually become useless with nobody able to see a doctor or have any treatment.  Waiting lists for regular medical treatment is going through the roof and will contribute to many deaths in the coming years.  Quite simply, politicians have broken our country.

Now we come to the point of it all.  Vaccination.  Those invested or holding interests in big pharma companies are raking in profits like never before and it has become apparent that this was the plan all along.  Big pharma companies do have a track record of this, with Pfizer holding the record for a corporate fine of $2.3bn in 2009, in which prosecutors called Pfizer repeat offenders, this being the fourth offence in a decade.  Now they are at it again.

It has been shown in studies that existing drugs such as Ivermectin and hydrochloroxide can be used to treat patients with covid-19, but these, in conjunction with governments have been suppressed brutally, as these big pharma companies can not make profits from those drugs.

The WHO(World Health Organisation) has also been involved in classifying Covid-19 as a pandemic, even though it had to change its definition of a pandemic to make it qualify.  It is interesting to note that the biggest source of funds for the WHO is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  The second biggest source of funds is the Gavi Vaccine Alliance which was set up by Bill Gates.  More than one doctor has accused the WHO of using Nazi techniques to push vaccination.

Behind the scenes, while all this was playing out, the UK government issues a notice which read as follows:  “As of 19 March 2020, Covid-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease(HCID) in the UK”  It also stated, “Mortality rates were low overall”.  This was in March 2020.  It is scarcely believable.

We were originally told that the vulnerable needed to be vaccinated and then we could exit lockdown, but the goalposts kept moving and now we even find the vaccinations being pushed on children.  As I write this, stories are beginning to emerge that the contracts that governments have signed with the big pharma companies have quotas that governments must fulfil or have immense penalties pressed on them.  Governments seem desperate to fulfil these quotas and to the point that they are even willing to vaccinate children.

The idea of vaccinations is that they will protect those at risk from a terrible disease.  Children are at less risk from Covid-19 than they are from the common cold.  Why would we vaccinate children, especially as we are now seeing a high risk of blood clots and heart problems from young people taking the vaccine?  In the UK, over 1,600 people have died after taking the vaccine, and we suspect that figure is grossly underestimated.  It is quite simply a crime against humanity to vaccinate children and submit them to this risk for a disease that holds absolutely no risk to them.

Of course, the authorities then point out that children need to be vaccinated to protect the older generation.  Would you put your grandchildren at risk to protect yourself against a risk of a disease no worse than the flu?  There is a satanic element to this campaign and we have all been taken in by it.  It sounded so plausible to start with, and indeed, it still does, unless you start asking questions.  When you start asking questions, the full force of Satan is unleashed and you will be subjected to the wrath of the demons, simply for asking questions.  You will lose your job.  You will be denied hospital treatment, you will have benefits withdrawn.  You may have your children taken away from you.  You will be arrested and imprisoned.

What is the vaccine?  It’s not really a vaccine at all, not in the conventional sense.  It is better understood as gene therapy.  We all, as Christian, understand that our DNA is what God spoke at creation and it is unique.  This so-called vaccine changes your DNA.  It changes what God gave you thousands of years ago.  To alter our DNA is to replace something God created, thinking man can do it better.  What could possibly go wrong?  It does not prevent you from catching Covid.  It does not prevent you from passing it on.  They say it lessens the virus’s effect on you if you catch it; that is the only benefit.  I am very sceptical.

The narrative which governments are pushing is that everyone must be vaccinated to protect each other.  The unvaccinated, they say, are a risk to the vaccinated.  If the vaccinated can catch it and pass it on, just the same as the unvaccinated, then why would the unvaccinated be any more risk to the vaccinated?  The story does not add up, and we all know something is not quite right deep down.

I could go on and talk all day.  There is so much I have discovered since I started to investigate it outside the mainstream media.  I believe the risk posed to us by these people advancing this program is far worse than the Nazis in Germany.  The Nazis only killed 6 million.  These people are on record that they want to reduce the world population by 7 billion.  Do you think they are looking for volunteers?

Brothers and sisters, we are looking at a program of genocide perpetrated by our governments, mainstream media and big business.  You must decide, am I total insane or am I correct?  There is no middle ground.  I took my first jab, even though I was a bit sceptical about it all.  By the time it came round time to take my second jab, I had learned enough that there was no way I was taking any more of that poison into my body.  The more and more I research this subject, the more I am seeing a dark Satanic cloud covering our land.  The very aspect of fear should be enough to tell you that something is not right.  God does not give us fear, but a culture of fear has been pervading for decades now.  If it’s not covid, it is global warming.  If it is not global warming, then it is terrorists.  What happens if you speak out against this evil in our world?

In Newcastle, the police set dogs on peaceful protestors and battered them with batons.  Those injured were then refused treatment in hospital.  In Melbourne, they fired rubber bullets and industrial pepper spray into the crowds of protestors.  We are fast becoming police states in the western world.  If you disagree with the government, you are entirely vilified and de-platformed.  You are not allowed to disagree or debate with the government.  We are no longer a democracy.

I bring you this warning with a very heavy heart, and God alone knows how many times, on my knees, I have asked him, ‘please, show me that I am wrong’.  I did not want to believe that this could be true.  I did not want to believe that any man could be so evil. But, deep down, we, as Christians, know that Satan is pure evil and that there are no depths to which he will not stoop.

The Bible warns us about what will happen in the end times.  Folks, this is it!  This is the book of Revelation unfolding before our eyes.  The Bible also tells us that even the elect will be deceived.  People of God, you need to awake from your slumber and be ready for the fight of your lives.  If these people prevail, it will not end well for Christians.  In the space of only eighteen months, most of our freedoms have been stripped away.  If we allow this to continue, we will very shortly be living in a society like North Korea.

If the Church will not stand up against this tyranny and evil, what purpose does the Church have?  If you, as a Christian, will not oppose this work of the Devil, what value is your faith?  The Bible is very clear that faith without works is dead.  It is now the time for you to declare your faith by your works.  There are a number of steps you need to take as soon as possible.

  1. Pray!!!
  2. Cancel your TV licence and stop watching mainstream TV
  3. Begin watching real news channels
  4. Organise yourselves into a protest group
  5. Be prepared for hardships
  6. Consider funding those who are able to do more

Let me just finish by reminding you our governments have instigated a program of genocide against us.  I cannot state how serious this is.  I know that right now, many of you may be thinking, this guy is a complete lunatic.  Remember the oft-quoted famous words, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.  This is so serious that if you are not even willing to check it out, then you are complicit in the genocide being perpetrated right now.  You will be part of it.

What we have in front of us right now is a situation worse than Nazi Germany had in the 1930s and the Church in Germany largely failed to speak out against it.  Look what happened there.  Let us not be tarred with the same brush.