They are coming for us

John 15:18

If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first

We are living in very dangerous times when our long time democratic countries are slipping into totalitarianism unnoticed by our population and even by our churches.

I believe that the time for changing this is now past and in any case, there is no sign of a change of heart in our nation or a turning back to God.  Unless we turn back to God, the situation cannot change.

Therefore, we must prepare ourselves for what will come next.  In every single historic instance of despotism, there has been a clear plan of excluding every form of opposition and the Church is always on that list.

The Church holds the keys to Truth and the truth is being systematically being eliminated, step by step.  We should not be surprised when they come for the Church, indeed, we would be very surprised if they did not.

Once they establish total control, the Church will become one of their biggest dangers, and so will be either eliminated or regulated.  The process has already begun and most Churches have accepted the control of the government over their worship.

Things will get much worse and very difficult for the Church in the coming years and now is the time to prepare for this coming persecution.

The corruption demonstrated

The New Normal

The new normal is to believe everything that the government and mainstream media tell you.  I remember the days when no one believed politicians and virtually everyone would say that there is not one single honest politician alive.

What has changed so that the majority of us now believe everything the government tell us, without question?  The ownership of the media is what has changed.  Every single major news company is bought and paid for by the same people who own the politicians, so this is why you get the same story from them all.  What is more, these same people own all the universities and schools, the police and the judiciary and virtually every major corporation in the world.

The entire Covid narrative was beginning to unravel, so it was decided that we needed something to divert the attention of the people from Covid lest it become an outcry.  Two weeks ago, the press could talk about nothing apart from Covid, but now they can talk about nothing apart from Ukraine.

Unfortunately, like Covid, when you research independently, the reports in the mainstream media do not add up.  It would seem that the vast majority of the public have been completely mesmerised by the media and the elites are rejoicing that they finally have full control of the entire world.

We awake people must realise that we lost the Covid battle, and without a pause, we are moving to the next battle.  The war is not in Ukraine, it is in our minds.  Those who do not see it never will see it until they are bound up in chains so tight that they cannot escape.  We who are awake would be better served by preparing for what we know is coming.

Canada has shown the route they will take.  When you disagree with the government, you will have your bank account frozen with no way of buying or selling.  Ah!  Wait a minute, is that not what the Bible told us almost 2,000 years ago was going to happen.

Yes, the Bible told us we will not be able to buy or sell without the ‘Mark of the beast’.  It may take a while, but you can definitely see things moving slowly towards that place.  Be ready.  The police won’t help you.  The big companies won’t help you.  Even the established Church won’t help.  They are as blind as the people they purport to lead.

But God always has his people.  Here are the places you want to bookmark:

Awake Market – A market outside the system