“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work”
Satan is going about like a roaring lion, like a wounded roaring lion. He knows his time is short and he is redoubling efforts to destroy everything that God created. Very soon the day of grace will come to an end and the opportunity for us to reach out and save those who are lost will have passed.
Now is the time for us, the Church, to redouble our efforts to reach out and take as many as possible over to the winning side. We need to show the world that the events that are transpiring right now are not happening by chance. They were decreed and foretold thousands of years ago by the Prophets of God
Furthermore, we must show them how it all ends, in victory for Jesus and his people. We must also prepare them for the intervening period when it will get worse before victory comes. This is no time to be fearful, it is a time to stand strong in our faith.